The days are long, but the years are short

My love of photography began in the early moments of motherhood.  I do not ever remember having an interest in photography before having a child.   Once that first baby came into my life, I wanted to capture so many little moments and memories and freeze them in time.  I had three precious little baby girls within three and a half years.  Life was busy and fast paced.   Here we are almost 19 years later and now we are the parents of five.  There have been seasons that I have devoted more energy to learning how to improve my photography skills and there have been seasons where it just didn’t seem to fit into the schedule.  “The days are long, but the years are short” is a quote full of truth.   Looking back through old photos always reminds me just how  quickly the years pass.   My love of photography really dwells in my mama heart. Children and Family photography are where I am most comfortable.   I love to capture personality.   The “everybody look this way and smile” is not my favorite pose, although I know it has it’s place.   I’m  guilty of loving only one side of the camera and therefore, regretfully I failed repeatedly to get an annual family photo.  That is something I would change if I had the chance to do it again.  Don’t wait until you lose those 10 pounds mama, or grow your hair back out, just schedule the pictures.  I’m pretty sure in just a few short years you won’t regret it.

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